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Peltier Banana Marbles

This is the Peltier version of what are commonly called Cat's Eyes.

Characterized by a clear base with a distinctly shaped colored core. The most common colors are yellow, red, orange, blue, green, and white.

Green Jelly Banana
Peltier Bananas

Contents of an original bag.

Bananas Galore
Peltier Bananna  2
Bananas Galore
Bananas Galore
Rare Blue Base Glass Banana
Bananas Galore
Lavender Bananas
Light Blue Multi Color Bananas
Teal Banana
Bananas Galore
Yellow Bannana
Yellow Bannana
Yellow Bannana
Lavender Banana
White Banana
Vari Color Bannan
Vari Color Bannana
Transparent Green Bannana
Red Base Red Bannana
Green Bannana 2
Red Bannana
Orange Bannana
Orange Bannana
Green Bannana
Blue Bannana
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